
At the Cathedral, our sermons seek to faithfully exposit the Scripture and display relevant application to modern life while seeking to reveal the gospel in every passage.


Sermon: March 9, 2014

image of Jonathan Bennett

March 9, 2014 | The Reverend Jonathan Bennett, Associate Rector
Old Testament Lesson – Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7
The Psalm – Psalm 51:1-13
New Testament Lesson – Romans 5:12-21
The Gospel – Matthew 4:1-11


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.


Sermon: March 5, 2014


Ash Wednesday
March 5, 2014 | The Very Reverend R. Peet Dickinson IV, Dean and Rector
The Lesson – Isaiah 58:1-12
The Psalm – Psalm 103:8-18
The Gospel – Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.


Sermon: March 2, 2014


“How Easily We Forget”
March 2, 2014 | The Very Reverend R. Peet Dickinson IV, Dean and Rector
Lesson – Exodus 24:12-18
Gospel – Matthew 17:1-13


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.


Sermon: February 23, 2014

February 23, 2014 | The Rev. Jonathan Bennett, Associate Rector
Lesson – Leviticus 19: 1-2, 9-18
Gospel – Matthew 5:38-48


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.


Sermon : February 16, 2014


February 16, 2014 | The Reverend Samuel Kennedy
Lesson – 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Gospel – Matthew 5:21-37


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.


Sermon : February 9, 2014


February 9, 2014 | The Very Reverend R. Peet Dickinson IV, Dean and Rector
Lesson – Habakkuk 3:1-6, 16-19
Gospel – Matthew 5:13-20


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.


Sermon : February 2, 2014


“In Deed and in Truth”
February 2, 2014 | The Very Reverend R. Peet Dickinson IV, Dean and Rector
1st Lesson – Acts 27:33-44
2nd Lesson – 1 John 3:11-24
Gospel – Luke 2:22-40


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.


Sermon : January 26, 2014

January 26, 2014 | The Rev. Jonathan Bennett, Associate Rector
Lesson – 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Gospel – Matthew 4:12-23


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.


Sermon : January 12, 2014


January 12, 2014 | The Very Reverend R. Peet Dickinson IV, Dean and Rector
Lesson – Acts 10:24-48
Gospel – Matthew 3:13-17


If you are having trouble listening to the audio file, please download it by right clicking the download link and choosing ‘Save Target As’ on Internet Explorer, ‘Download Linked File As’ on Safari, or ‘Save Link As’ on Firefox and Chrome.

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