Our services are rooted in the rhythm of our historic Anglican liturgy. All who are gathered are invited to join in the reenactment of the story of the gospel through song, prayer, scripture, and sacrament. Our liturgy is drawn from the Book of Common Prayer, the worldwide source of Anglican worship.
Our Classic Anglican service is a “said” communion and is done without any music. Our Historic Common service draws from the riches of historic church music and incorporates band, organ, and choir on most Sundays.
At the Cathedral, we love children and seek to create an environment that is welcome, safe, and fun. We offer nursery care for children ages 0-3 starting at 10:30 until the Passing of the Peace where you’ll have a chance to pick up your child and return to the service for Communion.
We encourage families to worship together on Sundays. But we know the sermon can be a challenging time for kids (and their parents!). That’s why, every Sunday, children ages 4-5th grade are invited to a time of teaching and fun called Cathedral Kids during the sermon at the 10:30 service. Kids return to their parents before our Communion liturgy. Nursery and Toddler care is available from 10:30 until the Communion liturgy.
The second half of our worship is centered around the celebration of Holy Communion. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive God’s gifts of bread and wine at the table. Those exploring Christianity are welcome in our services and are invited to come forward at Communion and cross their arms over their chest to receive a blessing from one of our leaders.