In the final installment of our summer preaching series, we find Paul exhorting a church fallen prey to the sin of judgement and subsequent division. There is no room for judgement for ourselves or others in a church defined by the grace of God. Join guest preacher Rev. Rob Sturdy as he diagnoses the human heart, laden with judgement, and prescribes the Gospel cure.
Romans 12 marks Paul’s turn from doctrine, the story of the Gospel, to action, the call to believers to participate in God’s mission. Yet this turn is not a point of disconnect; Paul starts his ethical charge by grounding it in “the mercies of God,” the same mercies he has spent the previous eleven chapters outlining. How then does Paul call his audience to live? What does it mean to participate in God’s mission? Join our ministry assistant Jacob Graudin as he describes the life devoted to God.
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The end of Romans 11 describes a mystery of God’s will for his people Israel so beautiful and profound that Paul bursts forth into praise of God. What is this mystery, and what does is teach us about the riches of God’s mercy? Join Rev. Patrick as he explores how the lens of God’s mercy leads us to humility, charity, and worship.
Romans 11 presents modern readers with a puzzling image: two olive trees, one’s branches being broken off and cast to the ground, the other’s branches grafted broken off and grafted to the first. What exactly do these trees, and the breaking off and grafting on, represent, and how does it touch our very non-agricultural lives? Join Jacob Graudin as he wrestles with this imagery and the picture of God’s faithfulness it delivers.
In Romans chapters 9 and 10, Paul explores the ramifications of the gospel for his Jewish kin. He wrestles with questions of God’s sovereignty and the means by which salvation is declared. Paul is passionate for his fellow Jews and seeks to declare the gospel to them in hopes that they will come to salvation by faith in Christ. Join Ryan Thompson as he applies these powerful chapters to the lives of our Cathedral family.
In the conclusion to Romans 8, Paul delivers a rousing summation of our Christian freedoms and an powerful declaration of God’s radical love for us. In times of great trial, these words take on a new and vibrant life. Join vestry member, Matt Lambert, as he applies God’s statement of ultimate faithfulness to our uncertain and shifting surroundings.
Romans 8 provides a moving account of the Holy Spirit’s action in the lives of believers. This description includes the unusual language of the Spirit “groaning” on our behalf. What does this say about God, and how does Spirit to “groan” for us? Join Rev. David as he explores this unique phrase and its implications for us.
In Romans chapter 8, Paul explores life in the Spirit. The Spirit is given to God’s children to bring about new creation in their lives even while they live in a broken world. Paul shows the Spirit as the connection between the ‘already’ of God’s kingdom and the ‘not yet’ of the Christian life. Listen as Patrick Schlabs shows how the Spirit brings hope in suffering and assures us of the future renewal of all creation as well as our physical bodies.
The first half of Romans chapter 8 describes a new kind of existence for God’s people: life in the Spirit. What does it mean to live life in the Spirit? What does this life in the Spirit look like, and why does it so often feel like the Christian life is anything but Spirit-filled? Join Jacob as he wrestles with these questions and finds deep and important answers in the pages of Scripture.
We continue our Romans series with chapter 7. In this controversial and confusing passage, St Paul reflects on the struggle between flesh, law, and spirit. Listen as Samuel Kennedy unpacks this difficult chapter and concludes with the wonderful news of God’s word of pardon to us in Christ.
Continuing our series on Romans, Rev. Patrick dives into chapter six, wherein St. Paul writes that Christians are to consider themselves “dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.” What is the meaning of this paradoxical status? How does it affect our lives with God and with one another? Join Rev. Patrick as he unpacks the meaning of our death and our life in Christ.
Beginning our summer-long preaching series on the book of Romans, we examine the two monumental figures in chapter five: Adam and Jesus Christ. What does it mean that sin and death came into the world through one man? What could it mean that justification and life comes through another? Join Rev. David as he explores these figures and their impact upon us.
After demonstrating the work of ministry to his disciples, Jesus sends them out, two by two, to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. In this way, they begin to fulfill their ancient call to be a “kingdom of priests.” Join the Rev. Peet as he examines the implication of this call and this sending for us.
The doctrine of the Trinity is a mysterious formula that has taken the church centuries to settle and articulate. But why does it matter in our day? Join Ryan Thompson as he talks about the nature of the Trinity and why it matters for our relationship to God and to one another.
The Spirit of God has equipped his people with gifts for the common good. However, the church in Corinth shows how these gifts can become a source of strife and disunity instead of a manifestation of the Spirit. Join Rev. Patrick as we see how Christ emptied himself so that we might rightly use our Spirit-given gifts.